A Note of Thanks


I’ve been hearing a lot of negativity about my alma mater lately…

And while I cannot confirm or deny any of what has been said to me, I wanted to do something that I haven’t heard any current or former student do since I attended Cincinnati Christian University. 


Thank you CCU for taking a kid that came from a broken home and loving him like he was one of your own. 

Thank you CCU for taking a kid who had a passion for Christ and leading him to a preaching major. 

Thank you CCU for sitting with me while I struggled with life issues and giving me biblical advice to overcome them. 

Thank you CCU for teaching me about Christ and strengthening my faith. 

Thank you CCU for giving me an environment where I could foster Christ-centered relationships. 

Thank you CCU for being in the midst of a broken city and being a light in that darkness…for being a light in my darkness. 

Thank you CCU for being Christ to me and to thousands of others students that have been on, and are currently on, your campus. 



They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the legacy that they leave behind…an organization is no different. If you want to see the impact CCU has on its students take a look at the people who have graduated from there…Not all of us are in professional ministry but I guarantee you, whatever it is that we are doing, it is making a huge impact for the Kingdom of God.

Here’s a challenge to all the current and former students of Cincinnati Christian University…Join me by posting on your wall a simple thank you to CCU…just one thing that you are thankful for…and let’s turn this negativity into something positive…



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